The Dyson Project: Lilly & The Four Children

The Dyson Project is a story about how no one can do it alone. Each person has their flaws. Good side and dark side, and how together we support those rough and smooth patches.

An old grandpa who has little left in his life writes a story to teach his four misbehaving grandchildren that they need each other. But, more importantly it is too teach the mother of the children that the reason why she feels trapped is because she is losing her children.

The story he writes is set in a future science fiction fantastical world. Where a man wants to escape the confining space of the universe. He makes a deal with a trader. The trader tells him that he knows someone that can help him escape the universe. She’s looking for her four children. One of them needs connection, the other needs to find his humanity. The third needs to be loved. The fourth needs to prove herself. If you bring them to her, she will let leave this trapped space.

Author: Bora Sever

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